Do cat scans show tia stroke

Do cat scans show tia stroke
Stroke Health Center - Transient Ischemic.For what reasons do people have CT Brain.
19.09.2011 · Show more Information. If you select "Keep me signed in on this computer", every time you visit you won't have to type your email address and TIA and Residual Symptoms/Affects.
Stroke fact sheet |
CAT Scan Related Diseases & Conditions
How Long Do Stroke Symptoms Last? Find out how long stroke symptoms can last, and what to expect.
My question is, is it normal to experience continual affects of a TIA? Some of what I have read here leads me to believe that a TIA is a stroke that totally reverses

X-ray computed tomography - Wikipedia,.
Do cat scans show tia stroke
after effects of a TIA - Stroke - MedHelp
Computerized Tomography (CT scan) is a procedure that assists in diagnosing tumors, fractures, bony structures, and infections in the organs and tissues of the body.
30.03.2008 · Best Answer: Could be lots of different things CT scanning of the head is typically used to detect: bleeding, brain damage and skull fractures in patients
A week ago I had a Tia. I was unable to speak and could not move my left arm or leg. This went on for about an hour and 15 mins. After a night in the hospital, and an